NO. 08 | the lord’s Prayer (2020)
A New Liturgy No 8: The Lord’s Prayer is a 25 minute journey that helps us not simply recite The Lord’s Prayer, but to embody and put it into practice. The experience helps us enter into one line at a time, allowing God to speak and open us to deeper spaces of healing and action.
In this season of pandemic, hyper-division, and reckoning with our history of racial injustice, we’re often at a loss for how to pray. Our words keep failing. But this prayer of Christ offers a holy and generative pathway through.
The main liturgy is a 25 minute recording of music, guided meditation, and holy space. We explore one line at a time and learn to embody it more fully. God is already moving in our lives and in the world; this liturgy helps create holy space to notice and join that movement.
The second part is an 11 minute brief liturgy to pray the Lord’s Prayer in our own words. This recording offers prompts for each line of the prayer, and then gives space to respond.
Finally, we’ve created a printed version for those who want to practice this liturgy in their church or living room. It is highly adaptable, so feel free to make it work for your particular community.
Aaron recorded The Lord’s Prayer in his garage during quarantine. The brilliant Liz Vice (vocals) and Dave Campbell (cello) contributed from a distance, and Aaron brought it together with an electronic keyboard and a series of found percussion items in his garage.
Producer and songwriter: Aaron Niequist
Mixed by Nate Yaccino
Lead vocals: Liz Vice
Cello: Dave Campbell
All other instruments: Aaron Niequist
Guided meditations: Aaron Niequist
THE LORD’S PRAYER | Aaron Niequist
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed is Your name
May Your will be done,
May Your Kingdom come
As earth as in Heaven.
Give us our daily bread, Lord.
And forgive our sin
As we forgive those who sin against us,
Forgive them.
Lead us not into trouble
Save us from evil’s hand.
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the glory and the power.
You can download all the lyrics, the pdf handouts of the communal version, and chord charts for free below…
On 07.13.20, the Niequist family invited the A New Liturgy community to join them in a communal practice of A New Liturgy No 8: The Lord’s Prayer. If you missed it, please download the pdf (above) and join us in this holy experiment!
Join us for a 9-episode exploration of The Lord’s Prayer: one line per episode; a conversation and a practice. Brilliant guest like Diana Butler Bass, Sean Palmer, Shane Claiborne, Shauna Niequist, and Glenn Packiam will help us dig deeply into the theology and tangible experience of this historic prayer.
You can find The Eternal Current Podcast on iTunes or on most formats.